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Benvenuto Cellini

Benvenuto Cellini

Facts about Benvenuto Cellini

Biography Summary: Benvenuto Cellini (1500 - 1571) was famous for being a Mannerist artist.

He was a gifted and talented man. Not only artistic in the area of goldsmithing, but also as a sculptor, a painter and a musician. He also wrote his own biography in which it is known that many of his works are today missing or unaccounted for.

It is said several of his female models became his mistresses, with one he allegedly had a daughter.

In 1562 he did marry, a servant girl called Piera Parigi and together they had five children of which two died in infancy and a son and two daughters who would outlive him.

Benvenuto Cellini Fact Sheet: Who was Benvenuto Cellini? The following short biography and fact sheet provides interesting facts about the life, times and history of Benvenuto Cellini.

Benvenuto Cellini Fact File Biography: Lifespan: 1500 - 1571 *** Full Name: Benvenuto Cellini *** Occupation: Italian Goldsmith, Sculptor, Draftsman, Musician, Artist and Soldier *** Date of Birth: Benvenuto Cellini was born on November 3rd 1500 *** Place of Birth: Benvenuto Cellini was born in Florence, Republic of Florence *** Family background: His father was Giovanni Cellini and his mother was Maria Lisabetta Granacci. His father was a maker of musical instruments as well as being a musician and which he would encourage his son to learn *** Early life and childhood: He grew up with his parents and one other sibling *** Education: Benvenuto Cellini received some form of education ***

Benvenuto Cellini Fact 1: Benvenuto Cellini was born on November 3rd 1500 and during the 16th century period in history when Portugal and Spain were exploring the oceans of the world and colonizing new lands.

Benvenuto Cellini Fact 2: Although his father was encouraging him towards a career in music when he was fifteen he asked his father’s permission to apprentice to a goldsmith which he did but reluctantly.

Benvenuto Cellini Fact 3: He would find himself banished from Florence however, when he was sixteen after taking part in an affray with other boys.

Benvenuto Cellini Fact 4: Sent to Siena for the six months he found work with a goldsmith called Fracastoro.

Benvenuto Cellini Fact 5: When he left Siena he moved to Bologna. While in Bologna he learned to play the flute and became quite accomplished.

Benvenuto Cellini Fact 6: His skill as a goldsmith also improved markedly.

Benvenuto Cellini Fact 7: When he left Bologna he visited Pisa on several occasions and also lived in Florence again before finally moving to Rome when he was nineteen.

Benvenuto Cellini Fact 8: Once settled in Rome he was commissioned to create a pair of silver candlesticks, a silver casket and a vase for the Bishop of Salamanca.

Benvenuto Cellini Fact 9: This in turn brought him to the attention of Pope Clement VII.

Benvenuto Cellini Fact 10: While in Rome at this time he also pursued his flute playing and was engaged as one of the musicians to the Pope.

Benvenuto Cellini Fact 11: He would prove himself quite the soldier during the attack by Charles III, Duke of Bourbon on Rome when he shot and caused injury to Philibert of Chalon, the Prince of Orange and also it is alleged killed the Duke himself, Charles III.

Benvenuto Cellini Fact 12: He was commended for his bravery and allowed to return to his home town of Florence.

Benvenuto Cellini Fact 13: Once settled in Florence he began devoting himself to medal crafting. He would later return to Rome where he was employed in jewelry making.

Benvenuto Cellini Fact 14: During 1529 he became involved a revenge attack on the man that killed his brother apparently in self-defense but nevertheless in Cellini’s eyes still responsible for the death of his brother. He left Rome and fled to Naples but would eventually manage to secure a pardon from several cardinals.

Benvenuto Cellini Fact 15: He was also fortunate enough to secure the favor of the new pope, Paul III after the death of Pope Clement VII.

Benvenuto Cellini Fact 16: As he returned from France and the French court he was arrested for embezzling the gem stones from the pope’s tiara during the war. He was held captive and in fear every day of execution however it was with assistance for Pier Liugi’s wife as well as that of the Cardinal d’Este of Ferrara that he would eventually be released.

Benvenuto Cellini Fact 17: He returned to the court of Francis I of at Fontainebleau and Paris to continue his work.

Benvenuto Cellini Fact 18: He would however come up against the Duchess d’Etampes, the King’s long-time mistress, who seemed to take a dislike to him.

Benvenuto Cellini Fact 19: He would spend five years in France but eventually the violence and jealousy he endured was too much and he decided to return to Florence.

Benvenuto Cellini Fact 20: Benvenuto Cellini died on May 13th 1571 aged seventy. His body laid to rest in the church of the Santissima Annunziata.

Influence & Legacy: His work has influenced many artists and and given much pleasure to the general public over many centuries

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