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Facts about Famous People: Names starting with E

Erich Hartmann

Famous People Facts Starting with E

Biographies and Short Facts about Famous People with Names starting with E.
Discover interesting, fun facts and short, quick biographies of famous people with Names starting with E.

Click a link to access short summaries with fast, easy fact sheets about the influential men and famous women whose names we are all know.

Interesting facts about famous people including facts about Famous People with Names starting with E including celebrities and movie stars of recent times such as famous actors, actresses, singers and musicians.

Facts about Famous Dead People including famous historical characters and figures. Interesting short biographies and facts about famous people including inventors, entrepreneurs, royalty, Prime Ministers, Religious leaders, Kings and Queens and Presidents all with names starting with E.

A-Z List of Names of Famous People: E
Check out the E List containing the names of famous people to access biographies, drawings and interesting facts about:

Emily Dickinson
Ernest Hemingway
Eli Whitney
Elizabeth Hobbs Keckley
Equiano, Olaudah
Ellen and William Craft
El Greco
Erich Hartmann
Edward Teach - Blackbeard
Elias Howe
Elizabeth Báthory
Edward Jenner
Edward Teller
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Emmeline Pankhurst
Edgar Allan Poe
Edmond Halley
Eliot Ness
Eva Braun
Eva Peron
Errol Flynn
Elizabeth Taylor
Elizabeth Arden
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