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Paul Revere Facts

Paul Revere

Facts about Paul Revere

Paul Revere Summary:
Paul Revere would become one of America’s early industrialist, following on from the business his father built he grew that business into an industry that is still trading today.

He served his country when needed bravely and patriotically and for one small act of brilliance he has gone done in American history as one of their greatest hero’s.

Paul Revere Fact Sheet:  Who was Paul Revere? The following short biography and fact sheet provides interesting facts about the life, times and history of Paul Revere.

Paul Revere Fact File: Lifespan: 1735 – 1818 *** Full Name: Paul Revere
*** Occupation: American Silversmith, Engraver, Industrialist and Patriot in the American Revolution *** Date of Birth: Paul Revere was born on December 21st 1734 old style or January 1st 1735 modern calendar *** Place of Birth: Paul Revere was born in North End, Boston, USA *** Family background: His father was Apollos Rivoire, a French Huguenot arrived in Boston aged thirteen and found an apprenticeship with a silversmith by the name of John Coney and his mother was Deborah Hitchborn the daughter of a Boston family of some standing who owned a small shipping wharf *** Early life and childhood: He grew up with eleven siblings, although not all survived. Although his father was French he never learned the language *** Education: Paul Revere’s education lasted until aged thirteen he was apprenticed to his father ***.

Paul Revere Fact 1: Paul Revere was born on January 1st 1735 and during the 18th century period in history when France and America both went through revolutions and the Industrial Revolution began in Britain.

Paul Revere Fact 2: By the time Paul reached thirteen he himself would become an apprentice to his father in the silversmith trade which during the American Revolution would come to serve him well with the connections he had forged.

Paul Revere Fact 3: When Paul’s father died he was too young to take over the family business and so joined the provincial army during the French and Indian War.

Paul Revere Fact 4: Staying in the army only until he reached his majority when he was legally old enough to return home and take up the reins of the family business.

Paul Revere Fact 5: Business steadily dropped over the next years as the British economy went into a recession following the Seven Year’s War.

Paul Revere Fact 6: So much so that Revere was forced to advertise dentistry services he had been taught by his lodger and practicing surgeon friend, Doctor Joseph Warren, with whom he would also be a member of the same Masonic Lodge.

Paul Revere Fact 7: Revere would not become one of the Loyal Nine but he did join the militant group the Sons of Liberty.

Paul Revere Fact 8: His part in the Boston Tea Party amounted to taking turns on guard duty and he would become one of the ringleaders to the events of December 16th that year.

Paul Revere Fact 9: In the same year, 1773 to 1775, Paul Revere would serve as a courier, traveling back and forth between Philadelphia and New York on behalf of the Boston Committee of Public Safety carrying reports of the political unrest there.

Paul Revere Fact 10: It would be Revere who would be responsible for the movement of munitions away from the town center of Concord when he alerted them to the movement of the British troops. Sent by Joseph Warren as the Massachusetts Provincial Congress were at that time in Concord.

Paul Revere Fact 11: A system was set up whereby lamps were to be lit in church steeples to alert those in nearby villages of movements and so the famous signal “one if by land, two if by sea” came about.

Paul Revere Fact 12: On his infamous ride as he neared his destination he was halted by British soldiers and at gunpoint he was questioned about his activities. Revere advised them that the British troops were on the way and that they were in grave danger because of the numbers of militia waiting in Lexington.

Paul Revere Fact 13: As the system for alerting the towns of the British approach went off, there were gun shots and bells being rung, Revere and his fellow captives were set lose as the soldiers holding them headed back to their commanders to warn of the militia’s intent.

Paul Revere Fact 14: All in all it is estimated there were probably about 40 riders out that night crossing the country as far as 25 miles from Boston spreading the alarm.

Paul Revere Fact 15: So effective was the system that the militia halted the British at Concord and forced them back to Boston.

Paul Revere Fact 16: In the years that followed Revere served briefly in the militia as a major of infantry, given command at one point of Castle William he round there were certain personality clashes. Although he had no direct leadership in the disaster that was Penobscot Expedition there were those who nevertheless sought to assign blame on his shoulders.

Paul Revere Fact 17: He was eventually exonerated but it took several years.

Paul Revere Fact 18: Continually striving to better his position in society Revere found there were always obstacles in his path. He did however always succeed when it came to his own business, as a silversmith he was unsurpassed and would only improve in his ventures.

Paul Revere Fact 19: Revere maintained an interest in politics throughout his life.

Paul Revere Fact 20: On May the 10th 1818 Paul Revere died at his home on Charter Street in Boston. His body laid to rest at the Christ Church Cemetery in Boston. His body would be moved to the Granary Burying Ground on Tremont Street.

Paul Revere Influence & Legacy: The family business continued under Joseph Warren Revere, his eldest surviving son and the copper works which was founded in 1801 is still in operation today. In the grand scheme of life Paul Revere’s infamous ride was but a blip of time in his life but that made such a huge difference to the lives of many and has given him a place in American history as a hero.

Short Facts about Paul Revere for Kids
The above short facts detail interesting information about the life, milestones, history and key events that occurred during the life of this famous character. A fast, simple way to present a short biography of Paul Revere with important dates and info that provides details such as the date of birth (birthday), place of birth, education, family, work and career. An ideal educational resource for kids, schools, teachers and social studies.

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